About This Blog


I am not very good at communicating. I'm not that great of a writer. So I'm probably not the best person to be running a blog but I have felt the need to do this for quite some time now. I am seeking out why the church functions the way it does and is it the correct way a church should function. I am trying to figure out if we, as Christians, are really being Christ-like. I am trying to figure out why we learn certian stories in the Bible as children, but as adults we learn that many of those stories have been falsified and certian parts of the Bible have been ommitted to fit agendas and beliefs. I want to know why we need so many denominations if we serve a single God with a single path to Him, through Jesus Christ. Why do we worship on Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday nights, is this Biblical? Does it have to be? I am hoping to have my friends that I grew up with in the Church, went to Christian College with, went to Chuch Camps went, fellow christians, non-christians, church leaders/staff, former church leaders/staff etc to contribute to this blog and offer up their ideas from their own life experiences. I don't know if this is a good summary of what this blog will cover, but there's always the edit button right?

My purpose is not to tear down the church, but to figure out if we, as Christians, are really serving and growing the way we should be. And if we aren't then figure out a way to make the change we need to. My purpose is to figure out what we need to do and collective go and do it. A Revelation Rebirthed has come from my frustrations of not being able to share with a corporate collective of Christians what I feel has been weighing heavy on my heart. I am not saying that I have all the answers or that I have it all figured out but I don't think modern Christianity (especially in America) has it figured out and I want a way to discuss with Christians AND non-Christians about their thoughts/beliefs on Church and Christianity.

Like I said, I'm an awful writer but I will try my best to communicate as effectively as possible. Please keep in mind also that this is not a place to gossip or be hateful. It is meant to be a positive place where we can lift each other up and allow for positive growth.


Dan Smitley said...

I definitely have a heart for the Church and have often asked those very same questions. My general thoughts about the church mirror St. Augustine when he said "the Church is a whore, but she's my mother".

Dan Pelletier said...

I have a lot of questions along the same lines, and I'm in agreement with you... My questions are all kind of intertwined, and I believe they all point to a very serious problem with the church. I think it would be wrong of me (I'm sure you feel the same way?) to bring up these issues if I didn't feel compassion for the Church; if I didn't desire some kind of unity, which I do desire. I think all of my issues deal with man's desire for power, and using any means possible to get it. I see pastors sending out the flocks (they've been given stewardship over) unprepared and unequipped. I hear pastors telling people how to live, instead of pointing to the One that can lead them to life. I see people reading scripture on the big screens at church, and not bringing their bibles to make sure they are being taught the truth. I hear about pastors reducing church diversity to race. I see churches basing their success on how many people go to their particular church. Ugh... It all seems so corrupt to me. There are so many things, I almost want to write a new "95 Theses". Maybe this blog is the correct avenue for that? I'm not sure... Either way Edison, I'm glad you wrote this. It makes me feel like I'm not alone...

+ said...

Also, if you want to contribute please send me an email so I can allow you to post through this blog.

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